Explore Dee Fashion’s “Matric Dance Dressmakers Johannesburg” On Deefashion.co.za. Bring Your Custom Ideas About Matric Dance Dresses, Evening Dresses, and Beautiful Dresses.
Matric Dance Dresses
And Special Occasion Wear.
In Johannesburg.
What Is Matric Dance?
Also known as Matric Farewell, when grade 12 (last year of high school) learners have one final formal function, often followed by parties, underage drinking, and bad decisions. Each school usually has its dance, and pupils usually come on a date and wear expensive suits and dresses. Americans would call it prom
Please Note: This may not be appropriate for some cultures and beliefs, due to kids’ bad choices during this day.
Contact Matric Dance Dressmakers 2024 In Johannesburg
contact Dee Fashion custom design and make matric dance dresses, cocktail dresses, and special occasion dresses. All from our Tailors based in Lyndhurst, Johannesburg
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